Monday, January 20, 2014

Simple Pleasures of British Airways

I'm now into hour 2 of my 9 hour red-eye flight from Phoenix to London and I am loving British Airways. Except for the unexpected $95 free for having a second suitcase (only 1 bag is allowed), the service has been fab.

First of all there is free wine with dinner. Yay! Then free dinner. Yay! And it was chicken curry. I love curry and haven’t had any good stuff since leaving Toronto 8 years ago.

Then there’s the tea. I may be Canadian, but I have my Scottish grandmother’s blood and tea is my drink. Normally, plane tea sucks. It tastes like luke-warm microwaved water. This is not the case on British Airways. It’s tastes like real steeped tea. AND they come around with a brewed pot of it like US planes do with coffee. I’m in tea heaven.

Of course, I will be going to the bathroom 20 times during the flight – because all good things must come to an end.

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