Thursday, April 14, 2011

Outside the comfort zone challenge for 2011

Each year I like to do at least one thing completely out of my comfort zone -- but it can’t something someone else made me do. It’s got to be something that I’ve always wanted to do.

Last year I did my first triathlon and went to Guatemala as a trip historian. Both of them pushed me in different ways. The triathlon challenged me physically and spending a week working out of a tiny clinic in the middle of nowhere in a third world country challenged me mentally and emotionally. Both of these adventures were life changing and incredible.

IFBB Pro Vanessa Campbell
So what’s my challenge for this year? Well, I have a couple, but one that I started working on this week is going to push me to workout harder, eat smarter and be dedicated. I’m talking about Team Bombshell.

In March, I attended a Bombshell Bootcamp in Daytona. It cost me $249 for the weekend, and it was three intense days of weight training, cardio and squats. I’m mentioning the squats as they were killer. In fact, I had trouble walking the next day and had to use the handicap-assist bars to lower myself to the toilet. Stop laughing. I swear I hurt like I had never hurt before—and it was fabulous.

My trainers were fitness expert Shannon Dey, who writes for various fitness magazines, and IFBB Pro Vanessa Campbell – who totally whipped my butt into shape.

So after spending the entire weekend realizing that I’m not in as good shape as I thought, I decided that this is going to be my challenge this year.

And it will be a challenge, because you know, I’m not exactly a spring chicken…and I really love chocolate and wine - both of which are not on their meal plans:-(

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