Thursday, December 29, 2011

Learning the lingo outside my comfort zone

The new News10 @9 a.m. show is starting in a couple of days and the last few weeks have been a whirlwind of learning new stuff.

Watching a show develop from concept to an on-air production, if you've never seen it done before, is like being sent to live in a foreign country. You don't get the language and you feel like you're in the way instead of being productive -- but at the same time it's cool.

We went from nothing to ordering furniture for the set, lights and technology to make the show happen.  I've watched them put together a chroma wall, set up various monitors and have heard rumors of a virtual router that apparently is going to blow me away with how cool it is as I'll be able to control 25 different things at once.  Really, when they tell me this, I'm not exactly sure what it is or how I will operate it.  They could be speaking Japanese and I would have the same comprehension.  But the head engineer is very excited about this bit of technology so I smile and nod. 

I'm sure after the first day I'll look at it and go, " I get it." But until then, it's just words in the air that aren't connecting.  Kind of like the French children songs I learned growing up. I could sing along, but didn't know what I was singing until years later.

Until then I'm listening and memorizing everything -- and I mean everything.

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